Hand Painted Woodcut Art Contest - Rules & Info
Welcome, Gnarly Magazine fans, to our first-ever Hand Painted Woodcut Art Contest!
Artists from around the world are invited to partake in this awesome competition.
Below you will find all of the rules and information for the contest.
Be sure to send your artist friends a link to this contest page so they know it's happening! And, follow along with the contest on our Instagram page: @gnarlymagazine and our Facebook page: @gnarlymag
Email your entry to: GnarlyMagOnline@gmail.com
Entry window has closed
Contest Starts: Monday, August 5th - 9am EST
1. Feature on GnarlyMagazine.com
2. $50 gift card to spend here on GnarlyMagazine.com
3. Gnarly Magazine t-shirt
Rules and Info:
1. You must be 18 years of age or older to enter.
2. Submit ONE entry image of your hand painted woodcut artwork you've created. The artwork can be something you've done a year ago, ten years ago, or yesterday. You do not have to create something new specifically for this contest. We know you have paying client work on your table.
3. Do not send multiple photos of your woodcut art. If you want to show multiple angles of your art, or zoomed in sections, please use a collage maker app or website to create your one entry image. If more than one photo is sent, we'll just pick our favorite.
4. Your hand painted woodcut art can be brush painted, airbrushed, or spray painted. So long as you send in your own woodcut creation, you're good to go.
5. Your hand painted woodcut art entry should be your work. Please do not submit art that you found on Pinterest or any other websites by another artist.
6. IMPORTANT: Promote your website and/or your Instagram name in your image file. People want to know where they can find you, so be sure to include your info in your entry image. Please do not just tell me your Instagram name or website info in the email. I won't be putting it in your image. People love to discover new artists for inspiration or to hire. A LOT of eyeballs will be on this contest, so make it count!
7. Polls for each matchup in each round will be open for 24 hours. The poll results will remain hidden for the 24 hour duration. Winners will be revealed shortly after the polls close for each round.
8. Once the contest starts you may not change your entry image.
9. Don't cheat. Only one vote will be counted for each round matchup. Cheaters are losers and will be instantly disqualified. (It's easy to see who is cheating, and we check.)
10. Have fun!
Email your entry to: GnarlyMagOnline@gmail.com
Entry Deadline: Entry window has closed
Contest Starts: Monday, August 5th - 9am EST
1. Feature on GnarlyMagazine.com
2. $50 gift card to spend here on GnarlyMagazine.com
3. Gnarly Magazine t-shirt
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