How do I get my artwork/motorcycle/hotrod/etc. featured in Gnarly Magazine?

Send us an email with photos of your work, a link to your Instagram/Facebook and/or official site, and we will reach back out to you if we love your stuff.

How do I get an article published in Gnarly Magazine?

The pro way: Send us your standard rate(s) along with samples of your work and your best two pitches. If you're a go-getter and/or have connections with publicists, that's a big plus. 

The contributor way: If you're more of a hobbyist writer, or looking for more experience to pad your resume/portfolio, we take free contributions. If your write-up is great, it'll make it into an issue of Gnarly Magazine. If photos/images come with the write-up, that's even better. There are two spots where your article can appear. The first is in an actual issue of Gnarly Magazine. OR, on the GnarlyMagazine.com website. If you want to contribute, send us your pitch and let us know that it's a free contribution. 

All paid/free contributions MUST be exclusive to Gnarly Magazine so that they are not watered down when running the same feature in multiple magazines.

I want to cover a big event for Gnarly Magazine. Will you cover my air fair, gas, lodging, and food?

Nope. BUT, we can reach out to the promoter of the show to see if we can get you a Press Pass and/or VIP access.

I love to podcast. How do I get a show on the GnarlyMagPodcast.com network?

Send us a link where we can check out some samples. Pitch a guest and if we like it, we'll put it up on our network.

I'm not a writer, but I love to shoot video. Would you accept video submissions of my local car/motorcycle/art event/me painting/me doing something gnarly/sexy pinup stuff?

Yes! We'd be happy to host your video on our YouTube channel. If it's super cool, we'll be promoting it to our 60,000+ social media followers and 2,000 email subscribers!

How come Gnarly Magazine no longer published a print magazine?

Due to the pandemic, the Spring 2021 issue, and all quarterly issues moving forward, will be published to the all new Gnarly Magazine mobile app.